Can I specify a PMS color for my print?

Direct-to-Garment printing:

Due to the CYMK nature of printing, it is not possible to provide an exact colour match for digital, direct-to-garment prints.


 Yes! Keep in mind, however, that in some cases there is an additional charge for this service in order to get the specialized ink if an exact match is required. There are also a few products where, due to the limitations of the imprinting process, exact PMS matching isn’t possible. Your Customer Care Representative will help you with this. 

If you don’t require an exact match, but would like us to be ‘as close as possible’ – we’re happy to help. Just let us know which colours we should be working towards in the ‘additional comments’ section in the order process, or just let your representative know (you’ll get an e-mail from them shortly after you place your order!)

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