Removing the background from a design

Got a fantastic design but its showing up with a background around it?

There's a good chance it can be removed! Designs with a solid background (ie white, or black), and in high resolution may be able to have the background removed using software such as Adobe Photoshop

Still unsure? I get it, you want real human help. So, if the background is a solid colour, in high resolution, and in the correct format, you can email us your image and one of our staff will help remove the background for you!

Some important notes on removing backgrounds

  • Tee Junction is not liable for any quality issues relating to our free background removal service.
  • For best results, the highest the resolution, the better chance of a successful background removal
  • Background removal with the software will always produce an inferior result than if the background was removed at the source (by the graphics designer who created the process)
  • The artwork may still have traces of the background, especially in hard to remove places or details with fine artwork. 
  • For the best result, we recommend the background is removed by the graphics designer, using the original design file

Want to tackle background removal yourself? Here are some great resources

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us